Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hearing to Dismiss Mechele's Indictment on 9/8/11

As you probably know, Mechele's conviction was overthrown on appeal in February of 2010. The state of Alaska chose to retry her even though much of their evidence was ruled unlawful and unusable by the Court of Appeal. Mechele has been out on bail since May of 2010, but with some strong restrictions (including not being able to come home to her family).

Basically, Mechele is back at the moment after being arrested but before going on trial. On Thursday, Sept 8, 2011, at 3:30pm PDT , Mechele will be in court to present a motion to dismiss the grand jury indictment.

Please go to to Watch LIVE Coverage Of The September 8th Oral Arguments For Dismissal Of Grand Jury Indictment at 3:30 PM PDT. She can use all the support she can get!


GJefferson said...

Hi guys

I did get the memo about this but was unable to watch; I am under the impression the results are not in yet?! How exasperating for Mechele and her families.. Do we know when we will know?
BTW I appreciate your checking in here, somehow it is easier for me to access this site though I seem in the minority there...

kim said...

Just heard about the story on TV and I wanted you to know that I am praying that Mechele will be able to go home to her husband and daughter soon, it's heartbreaking.

paramedic2 said...

I was unable to find out from this site how the appeal on Sept.8,2011 went.
I am hoping it went well. I don't know Mechele but was wrapped in the Dateline report. Even I, a person with common sense, and female, can see the conviction was TOTALLY WRONG.
There was reasonable doubt, and she didn't appear deceptive during interviews during the investigation, and during the trial.
GOOD LUCK Mechele.
I hope all turns out well :-)

Anonymous said...

It is possible, I suppose, that she could have been involved; however, this case is wrought with reasonable doubt. I cannot believe the prosecution EVER obtained a conviction with such a weak case.

Janet Throneberry said...


Janet Throneberry said...

The judge had some concentration problems for WHO KNOWS HOW LONG----and I always thought the parents tampered with that ridiculous letter. MAY THE LINEHANS HAVE THE BEST NEW YEAR EVER!!!!!

sandy said...

I just saw this story on "snapped" I can't imagin Mechele being convicted for this and with no evidence. Mechele I pray the Good Lord sets you free from this horrible time in your life. Best wishes. In this day and time You are lucky to even get a second chance, because their are people doing time for crimes tat they are not guikty of. Good luck hon...

sandy said...

I just saw this story on "snapped" I do not believe Mechele had anything to do with it. I pray you get the second chance you deserve, so you can go home with your baby girl and go on with your life. I will pray for your freedom as there are enough people in prison fromcrimes they didn'r commit. Good luck and best wishes Mechele