Thursday, February 25, 2010

Need your help!

I have had a suggestion as well as request for contact info for Judge Volland. I think it is a great idea that we fax letters to him requesting a fair and lenient bail for Mechele. It is vital to our case that she be free on bond. From what I understand the hearing will be next week. Here is his contact info: Judge Philip R. Volland, phone 907-264-0406 and fax 907-265-0121. For all of you who will take the time to fax a quick note to him, our gratitude and thanks go out to all of you. As ususal, I will post as soon as I hear news! Hugs to everyone!


beemodern said...

Richard Svobodny Deputy Attorney General - Criminal Division
Alaska Department of Law - Criminal Division
PO Box 110300
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0300
Susan McLean Chief Assistant Attorney General, Special Prosecutions
Office of Special Prosecutions and Appeals
310 K Street, Suite 308
Anchorage, AK 99501-2064
Adrienne P. Bachman, District Attorney
310 K. Street Suite 520
Anchorage, AK 99501-1975
Douglas Kossler Assistant Attorney General, Appeals
Office of Special Prosecutions and Appeals
310 K Street, Suite 308
Anchorage, AK 99501-2064
Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom, House Judiciary Vice-Chair
10928 Eagle River Rd. Suite 238
Eagle River, AK 99577
Sen. Bill Wielechowski, Senate Judiciary Vice-Chair
716 W. 4th Ave. Suite 540
Anchorage, AK 99501-2133
Sen. Dennis Egan, Senate Judiciary Committee
State Capitol Room 510
Juneau, AK 99801
Sen. Johnny Ellis, Senate Majority Leader
716 W. 4th Ave. Suite 500
Anchorage, AK 99501-2133
Rep. Beth Kerttula, House Minority Leader
State Capitol Room 404
Juneau, AK 99801
Sen. Hollis French, Senate Judiciary Chair
716 W. 4th Ave. Suite 420
Anchorage, AK 99501-2133
Rep. Jay Ramras, House Judiciary Chair
1292 Sadler Way Suite 324
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Rep. Max Gruenberg, House Judiciary Committee
716 W. 4th Ave. Suite 350
Anchorage, AK 99501-2133
Rep. Lindsey Holmes, House Judiciary Committee
716 W. 4th Ave. Suite 330
Anchorage, AK 99501-2133
Rep. Kyle Johansen, House Majority Leader
50 Front Street Suite 203
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Sen. Lesil McGuire, Senate Judiciary Committee
716 W. 4th Ave. Suite 430
Anchorage, AK 99501-2133
Rep. Carl Gatto, House Judiciary Committee
600 E. Railroad Avenue
Wasilla, AK 99654
Rep. Bob Lynn, House Judiciary Committee
716 W. 4th Ave. Suite 650
Juneau, AK 99801
Sen. Gary Stevens, Senate President
305 Center Ave. Suite 1
Kodiak, AK 99615
Rep. Mike Chenault, House Speaker
145 Main Street Loop Room 223
Kenai, AK 99611
Governor Sean Parnell
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK, 99811-0001

fax: 907-465-3532

Anchorage address—
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1700
Anchorage AK 99501

Anchorage fax: 907-269-7461

Mazie said...

I read that this judge is making a bid for the Supreme court judgeship that's now opened up. I wonder how that will affect his decision-making concerning Mechele. It's something that worries me. I'm certainly calling his number to bid for Mechele's bail release.

free mechele shes innocent said...

Wow I am just blown away they still have not realease her. Listen Alaska this is a innocent mother,wife,friend and honest woman. I have decided to go forward with more information I myself have my own family to protect but I also would want someone to stick of for me. Please think of this if she were a former nordstrom worker we would never be having this conversation. Mechele is not a killer.. Please pray for her return home she not only has a husband waiting but a beautiful child that is missing her mommy. I'm sadden with the way Alaska handle this. Tina Brady Smallman

Jennifer said...

Justice Volland should recuse himself from this case. He was grandstanding for the Superior Court. I watched him in so-called civil court and he would think he was on to something and ask questions of one side, like asking one former spouse why the other didn't call the kids, but not the spouse who didn't have custody. He is NOT a good judge in this regard, even though I think he thinks he is good. His job is too serious for him to use the Force to make choices.

He could look better to the people if he passed on this and said, "I was found to have allowed improper evidence into a trial that turned into a circus and gave the maximum time to a woman who was convicted on circumstantial evidence."

It is very sad that our court of appeals sends cases back to the original judge. For Mechele's sake, I hope he advances and gets taken off, but I don't know how good he will be on the Supreme Court of Alaska.

Raul de Cabo Calzada said...

Good luck for next week heard, she must to be free

David said...

Dear Dr. Linehan and friends,
I am an attorney in the Kansas City area; presently, I am a patent lawyer but I was a trial lawyer for the first ten years of my career.

I continue to be shocked at the horror that the system has done to your family. I can only imagine the anger and frustration that Michele retires to her bed with every night... There is no way any of us can identify with the feelings of being unjustly accused for one, but then unjustly convicted for two...

While we all know this is only a Stephen King novel -- but remember Nicholson's character from the Shining. Stress, over time, can lead even the most calm and strong persons to lose one's sanity. There can be no stress as great as this for you... and it has gone on so so long. I pray that you'll be able to hold it toget, her while those with the power get a second chance at abusing it.

With that in mind... I caution everyone. While the State of Alaska and its prosecution team have undoubtedly toed the line of questionable practice, it is up for us (Michele, her family, and her supporters) to maintain utmost respect for the same laws and rules that the State chooses to disregard. After all, two wrongs will not make one right...

I think it's admirable that we all want to see the Court set bail at a reasonable level, but in my view as a lawyer, this is inappropriate ex parte contact. I would advise that the team stick to writing its letters to prosecutors, attorneys general, and legislators... but not to the decision-maker who must make his decision based on evidence heard in the courtroom, not evidence he gets from other sources...

As a trial lawyer, I find it so difficult to fathom that the State's evidence-- built largely on guess and conjecture of observers and the testimony of a now-deceased man who was disturbed enough to murder his perceived rival -- is even significant enough to bring a charge in the first place, let alone convince twelve that the proof is without reasonable doubt. I was appalled and shocked that no single juror stopped to say: "You know, I have my doubts here... "

That's my two cents. I wish you the very best.

David in Kansas

David said...

Dear Dr. Linehan and friends,
I am an attorney in the Kansas City area; presently, I am a patent lawyer but I was a trial lawyer for the first ten years of my career.

I continue to be shocked at the horror that the system has done to your family. I can only imagine the anger and frustration that Michele retires to her bed with every night... There is no way any of us can identify with the feelings of being unjustly accused for one, but then unjustly convicted for two...

While we all know this is only a Stephen King novel -- but remember Nicholson's character from the Shining. Stress, over time, can lead even the most calm and strong persons to lose one's sanity. There can be no stress as great as this for you... and it has gone on so so long. I pray that you'll be able to hold it toget, her while those with the power get a second chance at abusing it.

With that in mind... I caution everyone. While the State of Alaska and its prosecution team have undoubtedly toed the line of questionable practice, it is up for us (Michele, her family, and her supporters) to maintain utmost respect for the same laws and rules that the State chooses to disregard. After all, two wrongs will not make one right...

I think it's admirable that we all want to see the Court set bail at a reasonable level, but in my view as a lawyer, this is inappropriate ex parte contact. I would advise that the team stick to writing its letters to prosecutors, attorneys general, and legislators... but not to the decision-maker who must make his decision based on evidence heard in the courtroom, not evidence he gets from other sources...

As a trial lawyer, I find it so difficult to fathom that the State's evidence-- built largely on guess and conjecture of observers and the testimony of a now-deceased man who was disturbed enough to murder his perceived rival -- is even significant enough to bring a charge in the first place, let alone convince twelve that the proof is without reasonable doubt. I was appalled and shocked that no single juror stopped to say: "You know, I have my doubts here... "

That's my two cents. I wish you the very best.

David in Kansas

alaskangel said...

Judge Philip R. Volland,
Phone 907-264-0406 and fax 907-265-0121
Dear Judge Volland:
As a resident of Alaska I have followed this tragic story about Mechele Huges Linehan. When she was first charged she was allowed bail & came back for trial. Why do we need to support her in the Alaska prison system while waiting for her over turned case to be considered for retrial? Can't we for our budget sake again allow her bail while waiting? Meanwhile her little girl can have her mommy back...I don't think we will ever find out the full truth whatever it is and to convict on circumstantial evidence without proof or DNA also concerns me.
Can you please consider allowing this young lady to be release on bail to her family and friends and save on our budget here in Alaska that is already under financial stress?
As a resident living here I would feel both safe in this decision and relieved the burden of financial expense supporting her.
Consider the fact she just may be innocent that a scorned man attempted to frame her out of jealousy and anger? I did not feel she had a fair trial during that time and felt it was more about a terrible striper located in the interesting state of Alaska for the lower 48. Why was all that outside media allowed here to make a big deal and embarrass we the people of Alaska like we are a state with terrible residents committing terrible crimes? Please let her go home to her family that needs her.

Thank you so much Judge Philip R. Volland.
With much respect to your honor,

Denise Bogue